Re: Creating output

Le Tue, Apr 16, 2002, à 10:35:39PM -0700, Adrien Beau a écrit:

This has happened with both the 20020404 and 20020416 CVS
snapshots.  Am I doing something wrong?

No. Cyrille Chepelov hoped to be able to correct the problem
in 20020416 CVS, but it seems it didn't work.

Indeed. I'll have to have a deeper look; unfortunately, I've been flown
yesterday over to Detroit, MI with only a couple of hours of notice, and
I'll have a too busy and too remote week to do anything.

(ObNote: if there are any dia people around, I'm in the vicinity of Walled
Lake, and would be happy to spend some time around a couple beers.)

        -- Cyrille


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