Re: Is there a more stable version than 0.88.1? Bad default

Le Tue, Apr 30, 2002, à 04:10:50PM -0500, Lars Clausen a écrit:
On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:

Also, I'd like to announce that Julian Seward's valgrind has made it this
morning into sid ! I'll try to run a little more seriously dia under
valgrind, to see if I can manage to find problems...

Cool.  I've been trying to run njamd on Dia, but it didn't work.  Seems
like Valgrind has a better track record of working for heavily GUI'd

I could run it (DEBUGGER=valgrind app/, do a couple clicks and
get a seemingly meaningful report when I closed dia, but I didn't drill
further. But now Julian speaks about running mozilla under valgrind...

        -- Cyrille


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