Re: thanks for tedia2sql

Le Wed, Aug 28, 2002, à 09:51:32AM -0500, Lars Clausen a écrit:

The right way to solve this would be to up the version number for the UML
class save format, and allow a variable number of CPs there.  Then the
UML class object menu can allow adding & removing connection points.
... Or do what has been done for "Standard - Line" and "Sadt - Box"(IIRC): 
make the load-time default variable number of points the same as the current
value, and tweak the variable-number-of-points-holder's save layout so that
they match the old format's layout (or be even cleverer, reorder the points
upon load if the number of points was not present, meaning "file saved by
old dia")

I don't remember we ever upped the save version number, it might be useful
to practice on a smaller object than "UML - Class"... (OTOH, I sense
some good which could be done while at changing the Class' storage layout &

        -- Cyrille


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