Re: [Mingw-users] Re: [gimpwin-dev] glib under mingw32 debian cross compiler, problem with windres : gmodule-win32res.lo: file not recognized: File format not recognized

Hallo Christof!

I am sorry for the confusion, so let me explain : 

I was originally trying to compile the DIA stuff for cygwin, and have
dropped that. In fact, I am not working on it under windows anymore,
but under debian with ming32 and wine for testing.

--- Christof Petig <christof petig-baender de> wrote:
[Summary: Cygwin is good to compile programs on win32 with minimal 
porting effort, but a stable port should use MinGW]
Yes I aggree.

To introduce me:
I ported magus [ ] (a gtk[mm] application)
Windows, so I think I know a bit about the subject. (Also I'm
of glademm, so I'm familiar to the gnome project)

I really recommend against a cygwin environment for 'native' Windows 
programs intended for a broader audience ...
Yes, I have made the switch a week ago. Now I am compiling under

As a status note : 
I just completed all the glib dlls, and am now working on GTK!!!

Christof, I hope to be looking at some of file handling issues,
but right now it is just configuring, compiling and linking  that takes
up the most time.

Thanks for you tips and hope to hear from you again,

Ein Schönes Wochenende wünche ich Dir!


James Michael DuPont

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