Re: render_svg.c patch

Le Fri, Aug 30, 2002, à 11:36:41AM -0400, Mike Sowka a écrit:
I've recently started using xml-docbook/svg for documenting my 4th year
project... I managed to find some bugs in render_svg.c code. The bug
occurs during rendering of arcs. It seems that the case of angles lying
across 0degree boundary was not handled and the large-arc-flag was not
being calculated properly... I've never sent a patch before...  here it
is. For some reason my svgs are still not getting rendered properly...
but at least the large-arc-flag is fixed....
I've got some difficulties reading this patch; would you mind resending it
after generating it using the "-u" flag ? (ie, 'diff -u old new')

thanks in advance.

/me loves bugfix patches.

        -- Cyrille


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