
I got the same problem on WINDOWS NT with an update from dia 0.88-1. I managed
(yesterday)  to install dia  by a copy of the whole Dia 0.89p1 directory
installed on an other computer (WINDOWS98). Now it seems to work ( but dia
crashs when trying to export png format).

"Tom Sorensen" <tsorensen dtrac com> on 25/02/2002 14:58:22

Veuillez répondre à dia-list gnome org

Pour :    dia-list gnome org
cc :   (ccc : Yves Pocchiola/ALCATEL-SPACE)
Objet :   Installing dia 0.89pre1 on Win2k

There appears to be a problem installing dia 0.89pre1 (from the
dia-0.89pre1-setup.exe archive) on Windows 2000. I previously had 0.88.2
installed and whenever I try to install 0.89p1 it complains that dia is
already installed and I need to remove it first.

I did uninstall dia, via the uninstaller that came with 0.88.2, and I've
renamed any .dia directories I've hunted down. The 0.89p1 installer
continues to complain.

Was hoping to get some of the bugfixes in 0.89, namely Windows printing
(instead of exporting to png, reading in in IrfanView or Word, and printing
that way). If I can't
resolve this I'll just go back to 0.88 (and probably compile it on AIX and
run it over X).

Thanks for a great program though. Even though it's not 1.0 yet it's a
heckuva a lot better than Visio for UML, and infinitely less expensive than
Rational Rose :)

Tom Sorensen

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