Re: Gnome 2.0

Le sam, jan 05, 2002, à 01:42:55 +0100, Arjan J. Molenaar a écrit:

I've checked out the latest DIA from CVS today. I can come up with some
sort of porting plan (which includes DiaCanvas2). I think I should focus
on the following things:
- Moving out display code out and putting DiaCanvas into place
- Creating some sort of wrapper object for "old" DIA classes
  - wrap the "Renderer" interface
  - wrap "Object" interface
- Handling DiaCanvas' lack of ConnectionPoints
- ...

Hmmmm... The list is getting longer and longer... I'll do some
This sounds good ! 

How would look the 'new' dia classes under this scheme ?

        -- Cyrille


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