Re: dia 0.90RC3

Le Tue, Jun 04, 2002, à 12:20:53AM +0400, Vitaly Lipatov a écrit:
On 3 ???????? 2002 01:26, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
Le Mon, Jun 03, 2002, à 12:34:49AM +0400, Vitaly Lipatov a écrit:
I try new 0.90RC3 version with my old dia files from 0.88.1 version
and I have trouble with encoding.
In old files russian letters looks like
Can you send us a very small UTF-8 or KOI-8-R encoded text file with the
same text as inside this <dia:string> element ? (please be sure to specify
which encoding...)
One attached.
I needed a _text_ file, not a text object in a dia file... 

What you've sent is a dia file produced by 0.88.1, likely encoded in KOI8-R
(but, according to the spec, described as UTF-8). I see Hans has been faster
than I in reacting and fixing the bug (which is good).

Can you send me a _text_ file encoded as KOI8-R or UTF-8 (either is fine,
emacs should detect that anyway and I know how it's supposed to look like
;-) ) with the _exact_ same textual content as the dia file you've sent ?

Which locale are you running on ?
[lav lav dia]$ locale

You may want to manually tweak the encoding="..." property of the <?xml ?>
I did it but I get SIGSEGV:
[lav lav dia]$ dia test.dia

GnomeUI-WARNING **: Could not open help topics file NULL
test.dia:1: error: Unsupported encoding koi8-r
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="koi8-r"?>
Try setting the encoding in uppercase ?

Does iconv(1) recognise the encoding "koi8-r" as is ?

(ie, can you pipe a KOI8-R file through
        iconv -f koi8-r -t utf-8  | iconv -f utf-8 -t koi8-r
and get back your data ?)

I should like where "error: Unsupported encoding koi8-r" produced?
I can't found it place.
It is possible that this comes from libxml1. 

        -- Cyrille


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