Re: Handle

Le mar 04/06/2002 à 18:35, Cyrille Chepelov a écrit :
Le Tue, Jun 04, 2002, à 11:13:40PM +0500, Leonardo Contreras Alfonso a écrit:
Hi, i?m working with Dia, could anymone explain me the meaning and use of 
Handle type, CreateFunc needs it.
Thanks in advance.
This represents the eight black squares on the sides of an object (visible
when the object is selected). They are used as handles by the GUI to allow
for object move and resizes. 

In the case of CreateFunc, this allows for the object to bind the mouse to
one or two handles while it's being created, so the user can place and size
a new object in one movement. See for instance
objects/standard/box.c/box_create() for an example.

I?m writing a document about the structure and development of Dia?s objects, 
it?s in spanish, i don?t know if i?ll translate it, but i hope so. If you are 
interested please ask me for it.
You may want to have a look at Pierre Pronchery's work (originally in
French, partially translated into English); to my great shame, I have not
had yet the time to look at it in depth. 

      -- Cyrille
Thanks for mentioning my work :)

it's found at:
- english, outdated:
- french, last version: (chapter

This school report is more or less finished now, the "final version" is
printed. I'm quite bored with it so I think I'll stop work on it, except
the translation to english of course.

Leonardo I'd like to have your impressions on it, I've written it in
DocBook so it will be easy to add things and then include it to Dia.


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