dia 0.90.RC2 (Release Candidate 2)

Hello all,

  I'm uploading now to http://www.crans.org/~chepelov/dia/ the source
tarball of dia 0.90.RC2. It doesn't fix all the EPS related buglets (which I
hope we get fixed by 0.91); however, it includes many XML-level fixes, and
i18n of the new S&O feature (actual translations may lag a little behind...)

muscat% md5sum dia-0.90.RC2.tar.gz
758462ad89ea2e6963d4b3fe1ac644a9  dia-0.90.RC2.tar.gz

  I haven't suceeded in reaching Hans yesterday or today, so I hope he's
able to build Win32 binaries shortly. 

(by the way, has *anyone* else succeeded in building dia from source on
Win32 ?)

If this release is fine, I hope 0.90 is nearly identical to this tarball
(save perhaps for a couple extra translations), and it should be out in the
middle of next week.

Committers: it would be nice if there were no commits except fixes against
release-critical bugs (crashes or "does not build from source because BLAH
is not #defined or "smurf.h" hasn't been #included in bletch.c on the FooBar
2.7 platform), at least until next Wednesday evening-ish.

Translators: please read the attached files; all translations are now
handled through .po files, the usual way. If you aren't a translator but
know one, you may want to give an indirect help to your native language's
status.... Please commit translations without restrictions.

(I'm not sure I have time to handle French. 97% ain't that bad after all...)

        -- Cyrille


Attachment: core-translation-report
Description: Text document

Attachment: sheet-translation-report
Description: Text document

Attachment: pgpjOPcoQTlgy.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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