Re: [long] lots of problems, you did ask ... [was Re: RC1 stats]

According to Cyrille Chepelov <cyrille chepelov org>:
The tree view is intersting, but i was also hoping/expecting to see the
new Preferences dialog and Hubert Figueres toolbar enhancement.
I'm not very up to date on this. Have these patches been committed ? 
They have been shortly after 0.88.1 release. And I have fixed a couple
of bug the, that has been committed too.

people waiting for me to commit them ? (I need to be made more aware of
them, then). Hubert's toolbar enhancement may be the button with the
right-pointing triangle, located in left upper corner, between the rulers.
You need to enable a setting in the prefs dialog to see it, IIRC.
No. My enhancement is the menu bar. But this is NOT the default; you
need to activate in in the preferences. By default you have that
triangle in the top-left corner like in gimp.
Note: if you get the menu bar, then right-click show the contextual
menu (middle-click by default).


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