RE: Menu bar issues


I have found an unusual bug that seems to be related to your menu bar.  When
the menu bar is first enabled in the preferences dialog, ^D for delete stops
working.  Once you exit and restart Dia, ^D works properly.  When I first
tried the menu bar, I was so frustrated by this, that I disabled it.  So I
never discovered that it eventually went away until recently, by accident.
toolbar rocks, it might be worth turning it on by default to show off this
new feature.  "use menu bar" in the preferences is a bit too terse, and
without trying it it is not immediately obvious what menubar it might be
taking about, perhaps "use menu bar in document window"
even without a restart ctrl+d still works fine for me (rc1 on win32)
incidentally i was thinking that "diagram tree" should really be in the
User Interface Preferences tab rather than the file menu.

Most people probably didn't give up so easily, which would explain why more
of them didn't complain (I reported it to the mailing list when I discovered
it; I can't rememver if I put it in Bugzilla).  This bug may seem innocuous,
because it goes away.  But, like me, users may be frustrated by it.  And it
is, after all, a bug.

I also have not found how to access the menu from the keyboard.  I've tried
alt+key, Esc, and F10.  Could accelerator keys be added for this?
i can confirm this bug

Preferably alt+key like most applications.  If not, the underlined letters
in the menu items should be removed.
Anything other than Alt would be horrible to me, like nails on a

I may as well mention now the behaviour i have noticed in the toolbox
window.  If you press Alt+f there is no way to dismiss the menu without choosing an
option, usually if you press alt again the menu will go away.  this is
probably just a gtk thing.

I'm glad you added the menu bar, since I find it more natural and efficient
(when keyboard access works) than the right-click menu (which should
activate a context menu).  But it still needs a little bit of polish.
yeah it rules, maybe the Gimp developers will see what they are missing.

Thanks hub


Rob Campbell
rob campbell att net

-----Original Message-----
From: dia-list-admin gnome org [mailto:dia-list-admin gnome org]On
Behalf Of Hubert Figuiere
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 5:59 PM
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [long] lots of problems, you did ask ... [was Re: RC1

According to Cyrille Chepelov <cyrille chepelov org>:
The tree view is intersting, but i was also
hoping/expecting to see the
new Preferences dialog and Hubert Figueres toolbar enhancement.
I'm not very up to date on this. Have these patches been
committed ?

They have been shortly after 0.88.1 release. And I have fixed a couple
of bug the, that has been committed too.

people waiting for me to commit them ? (I need to be made
more aware of
them, then). Hubert's toolbar enhancement may be the button with the
right-pointing triangle, located in left upper corner,
between the rulers.
You need to enable a setting in the prefs dialog to see it, IIRC.
No. My enhancement is the menu bar. But this is NOT the default; you
need to activate in in the preferences. By default you have that
triangle in the top-left corner like in gimp.
Note: if you get the menu bar, then right-click show the contextual
menu (middle-click by default).

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