Re: Dia and CVS

On 7 Aug 2003, Ian Epperson wrote:
Here at my company, we're stuck in the Windows world.  Last year, we
discovered CVS and there was much rejoicing.  Now, just about everything
gets put into CVS.
CVS good.  CVS friend.

I've been evaluating Dia, and it looks great!  Thank you to everyone who
made this possible!  Unfortunately, it's not very CVS friendly.  I think
with two minor tweaks, that could change.

First, being able to save the document out as text is perfect!  What
isn't perfect is that when the document is re-opened, the default save
re-compresses the file.  If Dia could remember that a file was
un-compressed when it was opened, then every time it saved the file, it
could stay un-compressed.
Which version of Dia are you using?  In version 0.91, it remembers what you
did the last time -- so since you propably always want them uncompressed,
you can go with that.  There's also an option in Preferences for this.

I can see it making sense to preserve the compressed-ness of an opened
diagram, though.

Second, the XML seems to have no line breaks in it.  As CVS merge/diff
operations work on a line by line basis, it would be best if there were
as many line breaks as possible in the file.  At the very least, one per
object.  If there were a break on every ">", then it would be possible
for one user to edit the text of an object, while the another manipulates
the size/position.
Look into ~/.dia/diarc, and set pretty_formatted_xml=true.  Then it should
be line-based, at least in 0.91.

I hope this increases your enjoyment of Dia.  And watch this space for the
upcoming version 0.92.  Now, before you notice the glaring errors in the
above, I shall perform my absquatulation to go make dinner.


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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