Re: Re[4]: 0.91 version and EPS/PDF problems

At 14:23 09.06.03 -0400, Alan G Isaac wrote:
On Mon, 09 Jun 2003 08:11:54 -0500 Lars Clausen <lrclause cs uiuc edu> wrote:
I guess I didn't explain clearly.  In 0.91, we don't include font
definitions.  We don't rely on built-in fonts.  We don't use any fonts in
the EPS at all.  We convert each character to a set of curves and so avoid
the font definition problem totally.  However, this means that PS
conversion tools are useless text-wise, and apparently PDF isn't too happy
No, you were perfectly clear.

The question is: why not allow us the 0.90 solution
(i.e., reliance on built in fonts)?

It should be quite simple to resurrect, in fact it's
partly done already:

2002-10-15  Hans Breuer  <hans breuer org>

        * app/diapsrenderer.[hc] : (new files, old content :-)
        simple base class for post script rendering. Does neither 
        use Pango/FT2 nor does it handle non latin1 characters. 
        The fancy stuff which nowadays appears to be needed should 
        probably be done in derived class(es)

searching for DiaPsRender shows only two occurences of it
in app/render_eps.c where is instantiated with

        renderer = g_object_new (DIA_TYPE_PS_RENDERER, NULL);

Currently this is only done in the else branch of HAVE_FREETYPE
(the win32 default).

If the old refactored PS Renderer can do what you want it
probably should be made available in _addition_ to the
DiaPsFt2Renderer, i.e. as additional export filter ...


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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