Re: Very small fonts in diagrams !!!

Downgrading from Pango 1.2.5 to 1.2.3 on my Gentoo box worked for

On Fri, 2003-10-10 at 11:47, Adam Dyga wrote:

I've got a problem with dia 0.91 (compiled from sources).
The font on diagrams (for example in classes) are VERY VERY small, 
I placed a screenshot here:
Do you see a thin small line in the middle of class? It's size "1" font .
It's a 10 chars text!
I don't know what to do , I've tried almost everything, I installed URW fonts, 
compiled the newest version of freetype, tried to change order of FontPath in 
XF86Config... No results. All libraries used by dia have correct versions (as 
given in INSTALL file). My distro is Slackware (current, based on version 8).
Does anybody know the solution?

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