Re: Save an attribute of a drop-down list item

On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 13:44, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
Le Thu, Jun 10, 2004, Ã  11:23:10AM +0200, fenxp free fr a écrit:
When you save a Diagram with format .Dia uncompressed,
the value of a item of an drop-down list is saved as an integer.
This is an example:

<dia:attribute name="type">
   <dia:enum val="0"/>

Is that possible to save the value of the attribute instead of the value of the
index ?

I would like to have a thing of this kind:

<dia:attribute name="type">
   <dia:string>#Normal step#</dia:string>
you can't have that. "Normal step"  would typically be specified as a
translatable constant string (N_("Normal step")), which means that in
your locale, you'd actually save "Etape normale", and nobody but people
using a subset of LC_ALL=fr would be able to reload your diagram.
Couldn't we temporarily set LC_ALL=C while reading and writing these, so
it always uses the English version?  We do similar things for the
decimal points.


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