Re: auto-scaling text dia .94

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 16:06:23 +0200
Lars Ræder <larsrc gmail com> wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:53:07 +0200, Tomas Mezger <tomz mytum de> wrote:

i'm usig dia .94 under kde and FC2.

i'm having a big problem with text in dia, because dia resizes the text
as he whants... sometimes i only have a very tiny text and if i add a
space on the text, it returns to the normal size. if i remove the space,
it is tiny again.

is this a problem other people also have? or just using kde? is it going
to be fixed? :-)
This is a known problem that we're trying to get a handle on, but it's
slippery.  If you can send me the diagram this happens with, I'll see
if I can reproduce it and debug it.  I've seen it myself, but didn't
have time to debug then.  Don't really have time now, either, but I
can try to make some time.
Do you have an idea of what might be, a theory? I have the same problem.

Sometimes I see on the console something about being unable to resize to
certain sizes (mostly non-integer). I don't knoe what does Dia do with
the text then. Might be a related bug...


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