Re: How to use PROP_TYPE_BUTTON?

I better attach some images with this, is it ok to the newsgroup if I post imagages as well?
In any case, here is the link to mine website, which currently contain 
some screenshots:

Image 1: a simple concept map with shapes created

Image 2: When use click on object, a prop get display. And when user click on View button new dialog created.
Image3: the tab Reference Details is clicked. Some of the information is 
loaded from my external BibTeX. User can add more keys, and information 
of BibTeX entry for each key. Because I am using a parser as well, so 
changes can be applied directly to BibTeX. The keys are then combined 
and save back to original map
Is that possible if I can put the key field right into main prop and 
change it later on using the second dialog? If possible, by which 

Cyrille Chépélov wrote:

It does; and it sounds quite interesting.

Why don't you add another hidden field (or bunch of hidden fields) tagged
with PROP_DONT_SAVE (so that they are gone once the file is saved/reloaded),
and temporarily hold the state of your BiBTeX dialog into those new hidden
fields? (also, why do you want to hide the keyword field? Wouldn't it be
better to let the user see the what the keyword is right into the main
property dialog, and then click on the button if s/he wants to change it?)

        -- Cyrille


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