Re: adding connection points to UML class diagrams?

Tim Olsen schrieb:
Can you name the points and also represent their location by the
polygon side and a double between 0 and 1?
With a new tool "Move connection point" you could even place your cp 
wherever you want. This would also be a nice feature for rectangles and 
activity foci on life lines (sequence diagram). It's a bit tricky to create 
recursive calls. Needs rectangles to be stacked and arrows not being connected.
If you apply this change also to line you got a higher level of 
abstraction. Add/remove cp for every "shaped" element and a container for 
the bunch of cp-s per shape-border. (to make it more dynamical a container 
of containers, so you can add and possibly move cp-s for any n-sided 
shape.) You could also read this cp-border from svg-shapes by defining a 
path with a proper id-attribute.

On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 14:41:13 +0100 (CET), Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk> wrote:

Tim Olsen sagde:

I would like to be able to add arbitrary connection points to the
class element.  is this possible?
It would get even trickier if we wanted an arbitrary number of points on
the top or bottom, which I'm sure somebody would want.  But that would
require some interface to add points.


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