Re: Icons

On Mon, 2005-07-04 at 12:26 -0700, Corey Burger wrote:
Hello all,

After loading the Gimp, inkscape and dia, I was saddened to see that
the dia ones are, to be honest, kind of ugly.

My thought was to start a dialog with the gimp and inkscape people to
stanardise on one set of nice icons, common across the 3 applications.

If that doesn't happen, at least lets "acqure" the nice inkscape and
gimp ones for dia.
Ok, this got me prompted to fix one of the blockers, namely getting the
toolbox' own icons to load from gdk-pixbuf-csource'd data (it turns out
the docs lie, you do need to copy bytes even when using static const
data).  Which means of course that we can move on with getting prettier
icons.  As Alan mentioned, bug #151147 has a nice icon set, however they
are all in 24x24 pixels, whereas most of the old icons are in 22x22.
Personally, I don't mind them slightly larger (and I think 24x24 is more
common anyway), but I know some people have been trying hard to get the
toolbox as narrow as possible, and this works against them.


Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>

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