Re: drawing graphs with dia [PATCH]

On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 19:11 -0800, Lars Clausen wrote:
On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 15:21 +0100, Grégoire Dooms wrote:
Here is a context diff against CVS HEAD.
I implemented auto gap + absolute gap for lines and beziers.
It works like a charm (AFAIK :-).
I added the properties GUI (could be prettier).
Works nicely, indeed.  Thank you very much for working on this!  There's
a few things I'd like to see changed, though.

Most importantly, the autogap feature should be dependent on which
connectionpoint you connect to -- it doesn't make a lot of sense unless
you're connected to a central connection point (a bit of sense, though,
but it looks weird).  Making it depend on the CP will also remove those
options from the properties dialog, always a good thing.

We'll then need a flag on CPs to say that they autogap (are interior).
I'm thinking the Element class should automatically add this.  For now,
we can just set it explicitly on the objects that have an interior CP.
Hmmm... CPs don't have flags as such yet, but they have the directions
4-bit which is kinda flaglike.  Nah, it's gotta be a new field flags.
Ok, added the flag, as well as a flag saying that a CP can take
connections from the entire object.  If we now get the lines to grab the
autogap flag from the CP, we have something very cool.

Well, we'll stiil need to update a number of objects to do this, both
elements and connections, but the bricks are there, help will be most


Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>

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