Re: PNG export from the command line: cairo vs. normal

On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 23:23 +0200, Till Dörges wrote:
Lars Clausen wrote on 13.10.2005 22:05:

apparently there are two PNG exports (cairo and normal), but for 
command line operation (dia -t png) "cairo" seems to be the only 
Is this in Windows or Linux?
Linux. SUSE 9.3, to be precise. ;-)

I was unable to try the CVS version. My attempts to compile 
directly from CVS broke with a few complaints by autoconf.
You very likely don't have the libraries required to build, then.
Well, possible. I did install package the the SUSE-spec file suggested,
Odd.  I'm using SuSE 9.2 with no problems.  Could be the
autoconf/automake versions.  I have automake v. 1.9.1, autoconf v. 2.59,
and libtool v. 1.5.8.  Also, the spec file may not be up to date with
the Dia requirements in CVS.

But it's curious that cairo should be the only one available, since 
normally there is libart and gdkpixbuf, if Dia was compiled with 
support for them.  I wasn't aware that the Cairo plugin was even able
 to do png yet. Hans must have come further than I thought...
Have you tried with -t png-libart or -t pixbuf-png?
No, I haven't, because 'dia --help' only showed 'png' as a valid choice.

But '-t png-libart' does the trick. :-)
I guess the 0.94 help text didn't mention that option.


Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>

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