Re: PyDia and Metapost (was Re: 0.95-pre1 uploaded)

Fixing the Metapost plug-in would first require to reproduce the issue on
a developers machine. One step in that direction would be a complete bug
report including all the necessary files and steps description to
and understand the bug :

  - sample diagram
  - sample integration in Latex (command line, tex 'container' file)
  - suggested (manually modified) .mp output of Dia

Even better would be a thorough analysis of the transfer function for the
text size. It may be just a linear scale, but it also may depend on the
diagram size, the TeX environment or something completely different ...
Wouldn't you know it, the size problem goes away when I strip everything
down to a minimal example...  Murphy hard at work.

I'll try to figure out where the problem lies.  We all know Knuth's stuff is
bug-free (TM).

However, the vertical positioning still seems to be off by about the height
of a lower case letter.  Baseline vs. character center.


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