Re: Several questions

Hi Elie,

First I'd like to draw new shapes and submit it to you for integration
in future releases. But if I draw a new shape, how do I integrate it in
the GUI ? I made a directory shapes/Lights, with test.shape and test.png
inside, and the good (I also changed shapes/ to
Don't worry about, we can fix this. Once test.shape and
test.png are ready,
you can try Dia's Sheet and Objects Manager. It allows you to create a
new sheet with
a simple button click. It also allows you to add your new test.shape
to the sheet.
The Sheet and Object Manager seems to be a bit buggy, but even if it
crashes, the next
time you start Dia, you should have the desired results.

integrate the Lights subdir). It seems to work properly. I also wrote I have Lights in my menu, but it is empty... How can I
Again, don't worry about We can build this easily if
you submit a
*.sheet file. On request though, when you name your shapes: Please use
English names.

Second, How do I build complex shapes ? I'd like for example to draw
something that looks like the and.shape in Logic, but I don't know how
to do it : I can't with dia, because if I draw it with different lines,
I'm not able to fill the inside with white, and when I open a svg with
Try to use the Beziergon object and take the time to learn how to add
segments and how
to deal with the handles. A beziergon can easily be used to make
something like the AND

There is a problem in the svn version, autoreconf does not work properly
due to an error in the declaration of ALL_LINGUAS line 256 of To fix it you just have to ad " \" at the end of line 256
and 257.
Thanks for noticing it. The other option is to have all the languages
in one line.
Fixed in SVN.



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