Re: fallo de transferencia de programa dia

JOEL: Intenta instalar las librerías de GTK (también disponibles en la página
de Tal vez necesites desinstalar Dia antes
de instalar GTK. Saludos.

LARS, and others: I replied in the above paragraph. However, I include
a translation of his original message:

"Please excuse me, but I was trying to download Dia and something went
wrong, maybe because of my slow connection. When I try to open the program
it says that there is a missing dll: libgtk-win32-2.0-00.dll, because of
this, it won't open. Please send me the file so I can finish a class before
tomorrow afternoon (sunday). I must do some flowcharts.

(Sorry for top-posting, but I think it was better in this case.)


On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:37:25 -0800, Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk> wrote:

On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 13:35 -0600, JOEL ROSA wrote:
Disculpen la molestia pero, estaba tratando de descargar el programa
día y algo salio mal tal vez porque mi coneccion es lenta, cuando
trato de abrir el programa, dice que falta el un archivo dll cual el
sigte   : libgtk-win32-2.0-00.dll por esta razón no abre. por favor
mandeme el archivo para yo poder terminar una clase antes de mañana en
la tarde (domingo). Tengo que hacer unos diagramas de flujos.
Could a Spanish-capable person make a translation/reply to this guy?  I
think the answer is that he needs to install the GTK package (also found
on before installing Dia.

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