Re: Measure Units in dia ?

On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 03:16:34 +0100 (CET), Lars Clausen wrote
bjl gmx at said:
Hi list,

What is the measure unit of object properties in dia?
For example the line width? Object dimension (width,height,radius)? the
Text Size? The Grid size? The paper margins?
Everywhere I can specify a number, but it is not clear what's the unit.
I searched the documentation of dia v0.95-1 for Windows but did not find
specific info regarding this.
I would guess for text height is is pt, also for line width, and 
cm or in for the papersize-related measures. Am I right?
Otoh specifying a point size with 2 fractional digits seems a bit

All measurements are in centimeters (except the paper margins, which 
can be specified in a number iof units:).  Version 0.97 will provide 
customizable units for most measures, however that version is only 
in early development right now.

Don't forget about:
Preferences->Diagram Defaults->New Window ->(Width, Height)
Are they pixels?

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