Re: Odp: What do you want to do for Dia 0.97?

Am 16.04.2008 22:26, Maciej Jaros schrieb:
Hans Breuer wrote:
Am 16.04.2008 00:15, Maciej Jaros schrieb:
1. Mass changing of UML class (like changing visibility of comments and
almost everything else on the first tab).

Maybe you can help us improve the NEWS file linked in my original mail
I could - you want it in HTML with features grouped in sections? ;P

The main dia website is a wiki ( ) so just register and fill in the blanks. Alternatively some providing some content about the new things for Dia's manual may be of help, preferably in DocBook format. See:
2. Support for keys in UML class. I mean something like it's already
done for "visibility" of attributes. This is available for many CASE
tools and I tend to use Dia as one ;). Main key types could be primary,
foreign and partial.
Do you have some pointer to UML specs. regarding this? For me this sounds
very much like you are (mis;)using the UML Class for database design.
Have you ever seen a CASE application in which it is done differently? 
My point was: although the Database object of Dia may look very similar to the UML - Class, it has it's place to keep the domain specific languages clean. If you are using database terminology there is no need to complicate the UML use case. (Also there is no need to complicate the already complicate UML - Class implmentation any longer.
Sure, you need to transform classes, but it's almost transparent in the ones I used (schema comes almost directly form specially marked classes).
See above. No more "specially marked classes" needed anymore.

With 0.97 this will not be necessary anymore due to (again from NEWS):

   * new database table relation shapes

I thought it was about some new kinds of relations. Nice to know I was wrong ;).
All of them should be visible as icons in the main
view (eg. golden key, silver key and maybe two keys on a keyring). I can
try to make those icons if someone would be willing to implement this :).

Not me :)
Yeah. But if there will be shapes for tables you have to distinguish 
columns that are keys somehow. Right? Why not use pictures instead of 
standard <<FK>> <<PK>>? Pictures are smaller.
At least my diagrams are often printed on a non-color laser printer. There it will be very hard to distinguish your silver and gold keys.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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