Re: Keyboard Navigation

Am 19.06.2008 13:31, Andrew M. Botros schrieb:
I have to implement some features in dia as the practical part of my
bachelor thesis. Most probably it will be keyboard support for navigating
and editing diagrams. The navigation should be smart, following the
Sounds like an interesting feature and I hope you can provide a clean patch to make it available for all Dia users. There is an enhancement request which goes in that direction, see:
I wanted to ask where should I start?
Refactoring [1,2] app/disp_callbacks.c:ddisplay_canvas_events() [3] would be a good start
can this be developed as a plugin?
Nope, the keyboard handling is completely in the core.

if yes, where can I learn how to develop plugins for dia? if not
then where to start with the core?

I'd suggest reading the code ;-)

Thank You


[2] i.e. splitting stuff there into smaller functions without breaking anything ;)

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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