Re: How-to set resolution for png export?

At 02.04.2009 18:19, Michael Ross wrote:
I use Dia in conjunction with Inkscape and Gimp to produce the various forms
of output I need.  I will make a screen dump and import that in to which
ever program is most appropriate.

Of course this limits me to only what I can get on screen, but that is
mostly good enough.

Ultimately,  I find output from Dia, other than a screen dump, to be more
time consuming than I like.  Even printing is uncertain enough that I
usually move the diagram into some other program for the final output, Word,
Open Office, Solidworks, Komposer, etc.

Thanks for your very constructive critique. Is this refering to Dia 0.97-pre
which IMO has vastly improved - at least for print output.

Or do you just continue a habit from an earlier version?


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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