basic question

     I'm hoping that this is an address for Help.  I have attached a screenshot of my basic Dia canvas.  I want to be able to turn off the solid blue horizontal and vertical lines on the canvas (make them disappear).  I know how to turn off the grid lines but the solid blue lines remain.  I've tried finding a solution in the Help utility but I don't know what these lines are called so I'm having trouble searching for information about them.  Can you tell me (i) the name for the solid blue horizontal and vertical lines on the canvas, and (ii) how to make them disappear?


John Miyamoto, Dept. of Psychology, Box 351525
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1525
Phone 206-543-0805, Fax 206-685-3157
Psych 355 webpage:

Attachment: dia.screenshot.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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