Re: text parallel diagonal lines

Thanks for your quick response.!

Enter your text through the properties dialog
Great, it works !

One last thing: I see the text as double letters.
What I mean is, if I type "i", I see something like this:
| |

instead of:

I tried to change Fonts: monospace, Serif and serif.
It was the same.
I also tried to change sizes. Also tried caps lock and it did not help.

Any ideas if I can have here regular text as I get when using ordinary
text tool ?  I simply need to draw diagonal lines with long text near
them (it is lengthy names of "c" methods) and this will make the draw
less readable.

Is there a workaround this ?


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Steffen Macke <sdteffen gmail com> wrote:
Hi Kevin,

 - When I try "tools->outline", it draws a little "?", but it does
not let me enter text. There **is** a "rotation" when
opening properties dialog of an outline.

Am I missing something ?
Just one little thing: Enter your text through the properties dialog
of the Outline tool.

Any chances that the svn version is better in this respect ?


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