Re: Issues with printing to Ledger (11 x 17-inch) paper

At 02.01.2011 05:01, dg1727 hushmail com wrote:

I look forward to comments about the following issues I'm having.

Reminds to other issues Dia is having with the GtkPrint backen, which was made default with Dia 0.97 - see ("Blocks" for the original Dia reports):

You can test Dia's old win32/gdi print code by disableing the cairo plug-in and ensuring the wmf plug-in is loaded.

To duplicate the issues:

1.  Dia 0.97.1 on Vista SP2.  The physical printer referred to is
an HP LaserJet 5200 with up-to-date firmware (8.130.2) and up-to-
date "Universal Printing PCL 6" driver (5.2.0).

I think this is too much information for the first step. If all the details are really necessary to reproduce you might have a hard time to find a second one having access to this exact equipement.

2.  Dia starts with a new file.

3.  Select the "File>  Page Setup..." dialog, then select Ledger
size (27.9 x 43.2 cm) and landscape orientation.  OK the dialog.

4.  Draw a rectangle (using the Box tool from the standard toolbox)
that nearly fills the page.

5.  Save the file.

For a bug report you should do step 2 - 4 and just attach the file.

6.  Print to a printer which has Ledger paper.

Maybe any landscape mode would do?

7.  Issue A:  only about the left-hand 2/3 of the diagram will
print.  The part that prints is what would fit within another sheet
of paper rotated 90 degrees (portrait orientation) and superimposed
on the real paper.

This is the part very similar to the above mentioned bugs.

8.  Now print to a PDF printer driver.  (I happen to use PrimoPDF -
I am not particularly endorsing it.)

9.  Issue B:  The diagram is rotated 90 degrees with respect to the
paper.  That is, the paper is in portrait orientation, but the
diagram is in landscape.  Because the diagram runs off the edge of
the paper, the same part of the diagram prints as in Issue A.

For Dia it makes not difference which (windows) printer driver you are using. So only if there actually is a difference it would be worth mentioning.

Neither issue seems to happen with Tabloid or Letter paper, when
printing (using default printer properties) either to a physical
printer or to a PDF printer driver.  Tabloid is about 1 mm larger
in length and width than Ledger; Letter (8.5 x 11 inches) is half
the size of Ledger.

With Tabloid selected in Dia, and if I explicitly set the physical
printer (using the Windows printer driver's Preferences) to
landscape orientation, then Issue A occurs.

About issues A and B:  I would rather not select Tabloid in the
page setup, because that is not the paper size that I have.

Issue C:  With any attempt to print Tabloid or Ledger to my
physical printer, the printer prompts me to load Ledger-size paper,
even though such paper is already present in a tray in the printer,
and the printer allows me to select this tray as an override from
the front panel.  Other Windows applications do not cause the
printer to prompt me this way when I set them to print on Ledger
paper.  Preferably, at least with Ledger, the prompt would not
occur, so that printing could happen without the user having to
push buttons on the printer, and without the intermediate step of
converting to PDF.

I notice in that
the dimensions of Ledger size are rounded to 0.1 cm – maybe this
explains Issue C.  The exact metric equivalent of Ledger (11 x 17
inches) is 27.94 cm X 43.18 cm.

I'm uncertain about this as a reason, but have change my local version accordingly. Taht change will be part of Dia 0.98.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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