Re: Assistance Request

At 22.11.2011 04:54, Kleinberg, Howard G. wrote:
To the Dia community,

I am writing to you to request your assistance in resolving a problem I'm having
with Dia no longer printing to my HP Photosmart C4680 printer; it was working a
few weeks ago, but now refuses to do so. I have tested this problem on both my
laptop and netbook, and have unloaded and reinstalled Dia on my laptop, all to
no avail, as yet.
A more thorough description of the steps you take until it goes wrong would certainly help. E.g. is the expected menu entry still there? Do you get any error messages? Reinstallation is not solving any possible problem I can imagine. Just removing .dia/persitence or .dia/pluginrc from you user directory looks more effective. I'm uncertain if this is done by the de-installation,
but I guess not.

Any advice or assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

If this is all with the same diagram, try a different one.
If it is only with one printer, try a different one.

Of course you should also give information about the version of Dia you are running and at least basic information about the operating system you are using ...
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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