Re: Dia: Why is it so hard to do simple things? dia-list Digest, Vol 89, Issue 7


Dňa Tue, 13 Sep 2011 12:56:50 +0200 "W. Martin Borgert"
<debacle debian org> napísal:

Quoting "Andrey Repin" <anrdaemon freemail ru>:
Who on earth use keyboard for navigation these days?
I do, at least when I use a program on a regular basis. I use the
mouse and the mouse wheel, too, but sometimes I work with a notebook
computer without mouse, e.g. when travelling. In this situation good
keyboard shortcuts help a lot surviving mediocre touchpads etc.
for me it is terrible when i am typing something, then switch to mouse
and by this i am often using keyboard. I am able to work with keyboard on
Windows too :-)

But, from another point, when i am working with mouse (and some things can
be done quickly by mouse), it is terrible switching from mouse to
keyboard. And finally, i have some devices without keyboard (but without
dia too) - tablets.

Then speaking, that no one using keyboard in these days and pointing
peoples to keyboard only are both IMHO useless flame. The modern software
needs to allow both navigations.



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