Re: Dia will not load on MacOS X yosemite 10.10

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Duane King <duane king duanefking com> wrote:
The download link at gives an image with a binary that does not work on my 13 inch mid-2012 i5 powered macbook air.  It starts, is shown on the doc for a second where it bounces once or twice at the most, and then its gone as the app silently crashes.

Dia and dia2code are a critical art of our dev process (I use a hand created ERD, then use dia2code to generate the models used in the build from that ERD) and need to install both dia (for management of out ERD and dia2code (to get the build working locally).

I tried to find a solution but only found this thread: .. Where nobody responded with any solutions or actual answers.

You would get better answers if you ask a better question, please see:

How is your Mac model relevant to solving the software problem? What is your OS X version? Did you really search the archives lately? Your reference is from 2010!! and this topic has come up several times just in the past month. Here is a solution I posted just a couple of weeks ago:

Also, FYI the maintainer of the OS X binary distribution ( apparently died recently, rest his soul,  so unless you want to take over it is unlikely it will be fixed any time soon. 

You can use the MacPorts or Homebrew versions and they should work just fine.

How do I fix this so I can get some work done today?

Use MacPorts or Home brew and forget about binary distributions of Open Source in general. Especially if you are using a Mac.
Alejandro Imass

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