Re: Is it possible to set the default directory for dia?

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 05:03:53PM -0400, Michael Ross wrote:
   There might be a solution, but I don't know it. A I think I may asked
   about this myself a long time ago.
   You have a couple options. A Submit an enhancement request. A (Posting
   here doesn't get it in the system, but it may interest someone in making
   the change if it is compelling to them.) A 
Yes, OK, I'll ask.

   It is generally helpful to your cause to be persuasive, not unfriendly, or
   angry. A Keep in mind that Dia (as it is with open source software) exists
   because the developers give away their work; perhaps they like to, maybe
   it helps them solve their own problems, and so on. A If you are annoying
   they might drag there feet out of ornery-ness, you never know. A Be
   mindful that you are a supplicant, not a boss.
   It is not useful to be antagonistic. A If any of Dia's developers had
   found your particular complaint as bad as you find it, they would have
   fixed it already. A But, apparently they found adapting their work flow
I wasn't trying to sound aggrieved.  I do tend to say things as they
are maybe but there's no intent to be confrontational.

Chris Green

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