Re: Legal issues regarding modifying or recreating shapes from standards

Greetings, Nico Rikken!

Now for my personal use-case I'd be able to use these sources, since my
intended uses is within the licence agreement. However since I'd like to
contribute my efforts upstream I am interested in the legal issues
regarding these symbols. In this regard I consider two options: either
modifying the converted DXF symbols to better suit use in Dia, or
creating shapes from scratch based on the information supplied by the

I can't answer your legal questions, but to technical part of your questions,
I suppose, any import will need a lot of manual cleanup to fit nicely into Dia

Given the fact the shapes are very basic, I think creating them from scratch
would be a more productive line of work. With just a few passages in SVG you
can get the desired shape up and running with zero overhead of lossy import

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 23.11.2014, <04:21>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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