Re: Sozi integration

Am 23.01.2015 um 22:09 schrieb Paul Chavent:
On 01/22/2015 09:19 PM, Hans Breuer wrote:
Am 18.01.2015 um 22:36 schrieb Paul Chavent:
3) the hardcoded SOZI_PATH wont work with free installation path
I've tested with the configure option "--with-sozi-path=" pointing to a
 path that contains the sozi player files (sozi.version sozi.js
sozi_extras_media.js and sozi.css). It works as expected. However, i've
changed the messages to be more concise in case of failure.

This is not what I meant. A fixed path at compile time is only working on
Unix. For Windows and OS X the user can install the packages is a
directory of his choice. Plug-in and configutation placement is deduced
at runtime from relative paths, see e.g. usage of dia_get_data_directory().

I'm not sure that the user would like to give a path relative to the Sozi
installation path.
We have to diffferentiate between the compiling user and the installer user. The latter does not run configure at all, even the former might not try out all those obscure configure options ;)
The sozi-path should be the installation path to the
Sozi player that will probably be independent of the Dia path.

Sure, but that's not the point I was trying to make. IMHO the question is, if we want to provide the "installer user" a way to update the Sozi player version to use without getting a new version of Dia.
For instance : ./configure --prefix=/usr/local

Do you think that we should constrain the user to put the Sozi player files
in a plugin subdirectory of the Dia installation path ?

For the "compiling user" I'm fine with what there is.

In this case, I remove the configure option, the code checks in the Dia
installation path the player files, and it fallbacks to the internal player
if they are not present.

I think you added the option because it was useful for you. I dont know if and how the Sozi files are typically installed.
What is your suggestion ?

Maybe adapt the code to work with and without the definition of SOZI_PATH. In the latter case use somethinh like
  path = dia_get_data_directory("Sozi" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "sozi.version");


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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