Re: Finding a solution for printing a dia diagram on large format printers

Greetings, Steve Litt!

One way is to just convert it to svg, and then edit it with an editor
or with Inkscape. Here's my shellscript to convert a dia file to a
plain svg file:
Never leave user input unquoted.

Pastebin is blocked in many corporate environment and even whole countries.

And you don't have to use sed for something as simple as replacing an

See the revised version of the script attached.

My main reason for using dia is the nice sticky connectors. Once I've
finalized everything's position, I can just convert to SVG. I keep the
dia file in case I need to move stuff around again, in which case I can
My use case mostly the same.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Sunday, April 22, 2018 17:02:27

Sorry for my terrible english...

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