Re: local & absolute path

I am including images from a single folder in my .dia.
I also want to share that folder with the .dia in it with others  ( tar vfcz )
But the absolute path make some job to redefine the .dia after each
import. (we do not use the dame folders)

Le 06/07/19 - 12:21, Andrey Repin via dia-list wrote :
Greetings, Pizzacoca!

Yes I mean relative.
I tried to work with the custom shape by following these pages
But apparently I do not understand how it work. Do I have to create a
custom shape for each image then try to import it in a main .dia in the
same folder ?
(I want to create a .dia with all its images)
So, wait.
You want to create new shapes or you want to include images into your diagram?

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Saturday, July 6, 2019 12:17:20

Sorry for my terrible english...

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