Re: dogtail-devel [PATCH] Have focus() return bool indicating success

Cole Robinson wrote:
Cole Robinson wrote:
Zack Cerza wrote:
Cole Robinson wrote:

Regardless, this is still useful for test purposes. I have also attached
a small script to test this capability and show a basic usecase. Also in
this patch is a small change to the failure message when we do not
manage to focus on a component, making it more verbose.
The warning format looks better, too. But what if there was no roleName specified?

Updated patch with a slightly improved warning format. If roleName is
none or "", have it use "widget".

Any update on this? If there are no complaints can the patch be applied?

Sorry for the delay, Cole. All my dogtail time for the past while has 
been on the pyatspi branch, and I've been wary of adding much to HEAD 
during that time. But both your patches are good, and I'm going to have 
to clean up after myself anyway... so I'll commit them to HEAD today or 

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