Re: dogtail cannot import name config

Albert Vilella wrote:
> El dj 03 de 11 del 2005 a les 14:25 -0500, en/na Zack Cerza va escriure:
>>Albert Vilella wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I've been trying to set up dogtail and play a little bit with it but I'm
>>>stuck with this error on every example file I try:
>>>$ ./
>>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "./", line 4, in ?
>>>    from dogtail.config import config
>>>ImportError: cannot import name config
>>>Any hint of what am I missing here?
>>Hmm, what version are you using? If you're using CVS, make sure you're
>>up-to-date by running 'cvs up -dP'.
> I think it is 0.4.3:
> wget
> tar xzf dogtail-0.4.3.tar.gz
> cd dogtail-0.4.3
> make deb
> cd ..
> sudo dpkg -i python-dogtail_0.4.3-1_all.deb
> Should I sync to cvs?

dogtail 0.4.3's odesn't have a line
that says 'from dogtail.config import config' - that change happened
after 0.4.3. Are you using the script from CVS with the old dogtail release?


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