dogtail Dogtail support for TCL / TK applications


I am trying to write test scripts to my custom built application. The application is built on TCL / TK.
I am able to launch my application using "run " function. [ ]

But that application wont get listed in the sniff utility.
I tested with other standard applications like gedit, gcalc and firefox, which will be shown in sniff (ATSPI browser) window.

Because of this issue I am not able to get a tree structure to my application [ app_root = dogtail.tree.root.application(test_app) ].
It gives error shown below.

1.       searching for child of {root}: "test_app" application (attempt 19)

My system details:
Centos 5.4 / python 2.4.3 / dogtail 0.6.1

I greatly appreciate any input to my query.


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