Hi Vita,
Good news, I finally got a development version of the software I am
testing! Bad news, Dogtail didn’t see the GUI with Sniff.
The developers tell me that it is done using Java Swing. Does Dogtail
normally work on Java Swing programs? I have Dogtail version 0.6.1 I think,
running on Red Hat 5.8.
Could it be that the developers have done something to lock out the GUI? I
know I read somewhere that there is a command line command “
export GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge"” to enter for
Dogtail testing Java , I ran this and nothing appeared to happen, at least I
never got an error

I wonder if there is
something I can check to see if the command worked and the Java should be
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, even if
its a suggestion of another method!
Kind regards