[Easytag-mailing] ID3v2


I've just installed easytag mainly because I saw in the featurelist that ID3v2 tags are supported.
I see that you can edit tags with easytag and store them as both  
version 1 and version 2 tags. However, I believe it would be nice to  
have a mask for both tag-versions. Because of the limitations of v1- 
tags (hardcoded field size, only 128 B total) it sometimes makes sense  
to have different tag contents. For example, a rather long title or  
artist name could be shortened to something sensible, not just  
truncated at the end; or the comment tag could be used to substitute  
for the "encoded by" field of version 2, where the comment field might  
contain extensive info about the recording.
Also, it really would be great if advanced tags such as lyrics, or  
unlimited comments, would be supported. :--)
Anyway, thanks for the good work so far.
Best regards,


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