Re: [Easytag-mailing] Scanner to add track numbers?

Hi Dave,

To use 3 digits, first, you must set it in the preferences window, tab : Tag setting, replace the value 2 by 3
If you have no tag value, you must fill them before to rename each file 
from the tag.
To set automatically the track and number of tracks of the selected 
files, you can use the buttons # on the left of each field.
To have more informations to use the scanner, you can refer to the 
documentation available in the doc/ directory of source package.

Dave M wrote, the 19/03/2007 22:03 :
Can I use the scanner to fill in the track numbers?

For example, if I have a set of 20 files, sorted by creation date and I would like to have the tracks numbered 001-020. Is there a way to get the scanner to do this? I tried %n=%l but all that did was clear the old track number values. The track number fields are then left blank.
Dave M
Davem (at) Mich (dot) Com
Ann Arbor, Mich. USA

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