Re: Easy way to sort Order of tracks?


On 2013-07-04 07:50, BadBadCam <badbadcam gmail com> wrote:
I listen to Podcasts and not music. I moved from Easytag to Puddletag because
Puddletag had an easy way to sort the order of the files/tracks; Ctrl-"-" &
Ctrl-"+" and those key combo's can be changed in the preferences. You can
highlight or select several files/tracks as well and move them all up or down
together. So, I can quickly sort them into my desired playlist order and then
kick off a key combo to have everything else I need doing, such as applying
track numbers.
There is currently no way to select an arbitrary sort order with 
EasyTAG. I would suggest sorting by track number, and then filling in 
each track number in turn, to get the order that you want.
Easytag never had this simple option, or at least I never found out how to do
this that way. Can I do this, and if not, could this be implemented please?
It could, but I do not have time to look into it at the moment.


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