Re: [RFC] MP4 tag handler using taglib C++ API

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On 09/04/14 23:52, David King wrote:
Hi Santtu

On 2014-04-09 16:46, Santtu Lakkala <inz inz fi> wrote:
This is very early version, it uses a GIO wrapper and the C++ API
from taglib. It also includes some quirks around taglib
incompleteness. Tested with taglib 1.8.

This aims to fix Bug 701506.
This looks pretty interesting, thanks! I had already started on
some TagLib C++ support in a branch:

I just tidied this up (my C++ is rather rusty, so comments
welcome), and I think that your patch should be rebased on top of
Ok, I hope I did the important parts now.

If you could split the patch in two, I think that it would be
easier to review and merge, bearing in mind that I am planning a
release for Friday! I think that the first patch should add cover
art reading and writing, and the second patch should then add the
GIOStream wrapper.
I split even the parts without the GIOStream wrapper into multiple
logical pieces.

I am not convinced of the benefit of the G_STRUCT_OFFSET changes
(yet), so I think those should be dropped for the moment. It would
likely be good to make similar changes to some other tag format
code to keep it consistent, so keeping that separate would be
Yeah, dropped those, they were there just because I did not feel like
copy-pasting thins =).

Thanks for prompting me to tidy up the branch, and I really look
forward to having this merged in time for the release.
Hope the new set of patches helps in this.

- -- 
Santtu L
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