Re: [PATCH] Fix memory leaks in scanner

On 2014-02-17 09:55, Santtu Lakkala <inz inz fi> wrote:
Hmm, now that I think of it, maybe we should use g_ascii_strup() in
roman numeral handling to make it work correctly in Turkish locale
(see setlocale comment in ET_Add_File_To_File_List()).
Yes, that should work.

Also the scanner code is riddled with assumption that strlen(x) ==
strlen(g_utf8_str{up/down}), which is wrong. (again, comment in
ET_Add_File_To_File_List()). This assumption was actually partly
introduced by me, when I did not know better.

I guess most of the scanner code should be rewritten, maybe using
GString and/or regexes where applicable to be totally utf-safe.
Yes, and not just the scanner code. String handling in general is rather 
poor in EasyTAG, so bugs and patches for specific issues are welcome.

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