Re: EasyTAG corrupts files

August 18, 2018 10:59 PM, "J.B. Nicholson" <jbn forestfield org> wrote:
Hudd via easytag-list wrote:

EasyTAG 2.4.3 has corrupted several opus/ogg files.
I won't provide any details, because I am rather angry right now and too
busy fixing corrupted files.
This would be more helpful if you'd please take the time to search through other bugs filed[1] and
file a proper bug report on EasyTAG's bug tracker at with example files
which trigger the problem attached or at least linked to your bug report. Perhaps attaching two
files, one before EasyTAG editing, and another after EasyTAG editing would be helpful. I imagine
such information will be very useful to diagnosing the problem.
It wouldn't help a whole lot as this is a known bug for a while now and easytag is unmaintained. The
solution is to switch to kid3 which works well.

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